1. Kev tsim khoom

(1) Koj cov txheej txheem tsim khoom yog dab tsi?

1. Paub meej tias qhov kev txiav txim ntau lawm

2. lub tuam tsev technical paub meej txog cov kev tsis raug

3. lub tuam tsev tsim khoom ua haujlwm ntau lawm

4. Kev tshuaj xyuas

5. khoom xa tuaj

(2) Ntev npaum li cas koj lub sijhawm khoom xa tuaj?

Txog 25-30 hnub, tshwj tsis yog rau kev kho tshwj xeeb

(3) Koj puas muaj MOQ ntawm cov khoom?Yog tias muaj, qhov tsawg kawg nkaus yog dab tsi?

1 thawv (MOQ rau cov qauv txiav txim: 1 units)

(4) Cov nqe lus xa khoom twg koj txais?


(5) Peb tuaj yeem lav qhov zoo li cas?

Ib txwm ua qauv ua ntej ua ntej ntau lawm;Ib txwm soj ntsuam zaum kawg ua ntej ua zaub mov xa tuaj.

2. Kev xa khoom xa tuaj

(1) Koj puas tau lees tias muaj kev nyab xeeb thiab txhim khu kev xa khoom ntawm cov khoom?

Yog lawm, peb ib txwm siv cov khoom ntim zoo rau kev xa khoom.Kev ntim tshwj xeeb thiab cov khoom ntim tsis yog cov qauv yuav raug nqi ntxiv.

(2) Yuav ua li cas txog tus nqi shipping?

Tus nqi shipping nyob ntawm txoj kev koj xaiv kom tau cov khoom.Kev nthuav qhia feem ntau yog qhov nrawm tshaj plaws tab sis tseem kim tshaj plaws.Los ntawm hiav txwv freight yog qhov kev daws teeb meem zoo tshaj plaws rau cov nyiaj loj.Raws nraim cov nqi thauj khoom peb tuaj yeem muab rau koj yog tias peb paub cov ntsiab lus ntawm tus nqi, qhov hnyav thiab txoj kev.

3. Kev tswj kom zoo

(1) Dab tsi yog txoj hauv kev them nyiaj rau koj lub tuam txhab?

Txais Nyiaj Them Nyiaj: USD, EUR, HKD, GBP, CNY;
Hom Kev Them Nyiaj: T / T, L / C, D / PD / A, MoneyGram, Credit.

4. Kev Lag Luam thiab Hom

(1) Lub khw twg yog koj cov khoom tsim nyog rau?

Nws yog dav siv hauv kev ua kis las thiab kev lom zem, kev thauj mus los, kev mus ncig, kev nyab xeeb ib puag ncig thiab lwm yam lag luam, thiab tsim nyog rau txhua lub tebchaws lossis cheeb tsam hauv ntiaj teb.

(2) Koj lub tuam txhab puas muaj nws lub npe?

Peb lub tuam txhab muaj ntau lub npe ywj pheej, uas Opai thiab Haibao tau dhau los ua cov npe nrov hauv cheeb tsam hauv Suav teb.

(3) Cov cheeb tsam twg koj lub lag luam feem ntau npog?

Tam sim no, kev muag khoom ntawm peb tus kheej lub npe tsuas yog npog lub ntiaj teb kev ua lag luam

5. Kev pabcuam

(1) Koj muaj cov cuab yeej sib txuas lus online dab tsi?

Peb lub tuam txhab cov cuab yeej sib txuas lus online suav nrog Tel, Email, Whatsapp, Messenger, Skype, LinkedIn, facebook, instagram, twitter thiab Tiktok.

(2) Koj tus xov tooj hu xovtooj tsis txaus siab thiab email chaw nyob yog dab tsi?

If you have any dissatisfaction, please send your question to marketing@andes.vip.
Peb yuav tiv tauj koj li ntawm 24 teev, ua tsaug ntau rau koj qhov kev kam rau siab thiab kev ntseeg siab.